Shine On Award

I was nominated by Nusrat of Eye of the Beholder for the Shine On Award! Nusrat not only posts gorgeous photos, but she also writes such amazing stories to go along with her recipes. Please visit her blog if you haven’t already–it truly is unlike any other!

Shine On Award

The rules are:
1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.
3. Share seven random, interesting things about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the ‘Shine On’ Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

Seven random things about me are:
1. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the chance to blog lately, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t busy in the kitchen! I made well over 500 macarons for my brother’s wedding in less than a week (with some help, of course).
2. I grew up not liking certain foods, but now I love eating them! Eggplant was one of them.
3. Even though Mandarin was the first language I learned, I am much more fluent in English.
4. Like almost any girl, SATC is one of my favorite series. Even though the second movie wasn’t that great, I still love watching it every time!
5. I currently work as a Technical Writer at an aerospace/defense company.
6. I was born in Florida, but don’t remember a single thing about it because I moved to New Jersey about a year later.
7. One of my New Year’s resolutions will be to blog more consistently.

My nominations for the Shine On Award are:
Shivaay Delights
Maui Girl Cooks
Kouzounas Kitchen
Sophie’s Foodie Files
Curls and Carrots
Saigon Cinnamon
Kitchen Cici

I always look forward to new posts from these bloggers. Please take the time to visit these blogs! I appreciate the award nomination, Nusrat!

27 thoughts on “Shine On Award

    1. Thank you! 🙂 Yes, it was definitely stressful trying to make several hundred macarons. Before that, all I ever made was a single batch at a time. It turned out to be a great experience though, and I’ll find some way to add it onto my resume 😉

  1. I am far behind in my blogging duties but wanted to wish you congratulations on this, your latest, most-deserved award. While I’m at it, I hope 2014 has been good to you, too. Happy New Year! 🙂

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