
Hi, I’m Ada! Although I haven’t had any formal culinary training, I enjoy cooking and baking, especially when I get to share what I make with others. It may be hard to believe, but I rarely baked and never cared to cook when I was younger. Baking cupcakes and brownies using store-bought mixes was considered a triumph for me.

Things started to change when I moved to Los Angeles to attend graduate school. When I managed to get some free time in between my studies, I either went out for a nice dining experience or stayed in to make surprisingly delicious food. Eating out in a big city introduced me to various cuisines and styles of cooking that I never got to taste while living in a small town. Cooking and baking was a good stress reliever for me, and my appreciation for food slowly began to change.

These days, I no longer buy cake mixes from the store and instead try to make most things from scratch. My skills in the kitchen have vastly improved, but I still have so much to learn and explore, and I want to share my culinary journey with you!

Although I’ve come a long way since my college years, one thing that never changed was my love for eating. Those who know me well will tell you how big an appetite I have. Whether it’s sweet or savory, home-cooked or at a restaurant, I always want more food.

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